
  • November 15 2013

    Drumdrops releases the Rogers Big R Dub Kit Kontakt 5 Pack

    Finally the wait is over ! The Kontakt pack is released. The “Kontakt pack” is our sample pack for this kit has been designed exclusively for Native Instruments Kontakt 5. The pack includes up to sixteen velocities of each articulation and in total it contains 5352 samples. Included in the Kontakt pack is the latest version of the Drumdrops Kontakt 5 interface....

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  • October 24 2013

    Watch our walk through guide of the Rogers Big R Dub Kit Kontakt...

    Watch our walk through guide of the Rogers Big R Dub Kit Kontakt 5 Interface which is about to hit our online store.  In this video you can learn about the interfaces best features and see why this is the only dub kit worth buying for Kontakt 5. This guide has been put together by  Dan Taliras from  The...

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