Route Seventy Sticks


Format | Multitrack Session

Route Seventy Sticks



Multitrack Session

  • Product Description

      There's a simple reason why 70s rock legends like Fleetwood Mac, Neil Young, Steely Dan and The Eagles continually pop up on your FM dial - it's the sound of these records. There's a pre-digital warmth in the lavish productions of this golden age in rock that stand the test of time. Now you can get your kicks with the latest addition to the Drumdrops family - 32 drum tracks featuring that classic sound of 70s America.

      Route Seventy Sticks serves up laidback rock, sun-soaked pop, driving blues grooves and down-home country across a range of tempos from easy riding through to open freeway. Played with feeling and precision by London session drummer Tim Weller this sumptuous recording even throws in some 12/8 blues shuffles and a bit of brushwork for that bonafide country rock sound. The bedrock of those bygone days is here in 24-bit multi-tracked glory plus stems and DAW-friendly loops which should certainly put the bang in your burrito. With drums this good you're halfway down that road to writing a classic already.

      The drum multi-tracks come as full length live multi-tracks and song construction loops. The live multi-tracks include a tempo map and OMF file to export into other DAW. We also provide patches for Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Reason, Reaper, Studio One and Ableton Live and the audio comes as 24 Bit WAVs. The Multi-track Song Loops are locked to the beat and cut into song structures such as Intro, verse, chorus, middle 8, bridge and Outro.

      The Stems and mix packs which have all the separate drum mics as separate stems come as full length 24 bit WAVs and these also come with a tempo map. The Stem and Mix packs also include the locked to the beat song construction loops (but mixed versions).

      The loop packs contain live 4 bar stem loops in each component stem and a folder of grooves and fills which are 2 bar loops locked to the beat. We have included as many useful loops that we can get from each drum track. The loops come formatted as 24 bit WAVs, Apple Loops (24 bit and 16 bit) and Rex 2 Files.

      To purchase the single hit samples of the kit used for this album head over to listen to our Ludwig Super Classic Kit and pick the sample pack that is right for you


  • Product Details
    • Variant: Multitrack Session
    • SKU: DDA3269RSMS
    • Product Type: Drum Tracks
    • Collection: All

In Depth

MP3 Samples

1: RSVS 170 70SPOP 31

Bolanesque boogie groove 2. Just like RSVS 170 70SPOP 30 but here played on the toms. Useful short fills between different sections and lots of tom variations.

Tempo: 170


2: RSVS 170 70SPOP 30

Marc Bolanesque boogie groove 1 with hat and ride sections. Small fills between sections and some bass drum variations and snare detail. See also RSVS 170 70SPOP 31 for the tom variation of this same feel.

Tempo: 170



3: RSVS 150 70SPOPROCK 15

Uptempo driving feel with rock and roll twist. Slightly open hats and accents building into a bridge section with tom backbeat and ride accents. Has a classic rock and roll tinge to it.

Tempo: 150



4: RSVS 140 70SPOPROCK 12 

California 70s mid to uptempo feel with a touch of country... Eagles vibe. Driving feel with snare ghosts and bass drum variations. Hi-hat gradually opens up as it builds to a ride section with more snare detail.

Tempo: 140


5: RSVS 134 70SPOPROCK 28


Classic 70s Carole King style shuffle for lolloping groove. Sections on hi-hat and ride. Ride figure is broken up a bit to bring out different accents. Useful fills and snare ghosts to add variety.


Tempo: 134


6: RSVS 130 COUNTRY 36

Old style yee haw country feel with brushes and flicks. Bass drum on 1 and 3, hat on 2 and 4 and the snare rolling along with varied accents and dynamics.

Tempo: 130


7: RSVS 126 70SPOPROCK 10


Mid tempo straight pop feel with skipping hat and cool tom breakdown. Useful fills building up and down dynamically.


Tempo: 126


8: RSVS 126 70SPOPROCK 09


Mid tempo driving groove. Think ‘Jet’ by Wings. Groove that really motors along with its driving bass drum figure and full on backbeat. Sections on hi-hat and ride and a useful middle eight vibe that grooves on the toms for more variety.


Tempo: 126


9: RSVS 124 70SPOPROCK 27


Shuffle groove in a Carole King kind of style... West Coast. Fill into a driving mid tempo shuffle with sections on the hi-hat and ride. Useful subtle builds and dynamic shifts that will add dimension without getting in the way.

Tempo: 124



10: RSVS 118 70SPOPROCK 07

Fleetwood Mac style laid back 70s style straight groove. Think Seven Wonders. Down beat hat intro then down the toms fill into straight groove with tom pokes and laid back backbeat.


Tempo: 118


11: RSVS 115 JAZZ 37


Mid tempo brushes swing with bass drum variations and snare flicks. Pedalled hi-hat and feathered bass drum and brush sweeps, flicks and variations make this a useful groove.

Tempo: 115



12: RSVS 112 70SROCKNROLL 26


Blues shuffle feel in a Fleetwood Mac 70s style with four on the floor kick. Sections on hat and ride. Some nice builds and snare drums variations.


Tempo: 112



13: RSVS 111 70SPOPROCK 08


West Coast straight ahead groove. Beautifully simple and understated in a Tom Pettyish way. This groove motors along with some subtle variations, an open hat here, an extra bass drum there... the odd snare flick or small fill. Lots of the tiny nuances that real drums add without getting in the way!


Tempo: 111


14: RSVS 108 70SFOLKROCK 25


Paul Simonesque slow 12/8 feel.... kinda like still crazy after all these years. Starts with a down section on hat and side stick, building up to a snare back beat. Then a tom fill into a ride section before coming back down again. Range of dynamics and subtle differences.


Tempo: 108




15: RSVS 103 70SPOPROCK 06


Useful straight groove with sections on hat and ride and various fills. Various different bass drum patterns and snare details. Fills between sections on ride and hat.


Tempo: 103


16: RSVS 103 70SPOPROCK 03

A rockier Neil Young vibe with different sections and dynamics. Starting with a driving section on half open hats with a Motown style 4 on the beat snares this then drops back to a more traditional 2 and 4 backbeat for the verse and chorus sections. A variety of fills and dynamics. 

Tempo: 103



17: RSVS 102 70SBLUES 33


Slow sixteenth note half time shuffle with Steely Dan Vibe. Variations on the hi-hat and ride with cool bass drum syncopations and ghostings on the snare. Great sounding old kit too. 

Tempo: 102


18: RSVS 97 70SPOPROCK 14 

Mid tempo straight groove with extra floor tom backbeat. Four on the floor bass drum with extra variations and fills. Sections on both hat and ride.

Tempo: 97



19: RSVS 92 70SPOPROCK 02


Four-to-the-floor organic groove with a Neil Young country twist. Sections played on the hat and the ride, and various fills to build up and down as required.


Tempo: 92


20: RSVS 87 70SPOPROCK 16 

Mid tempo straight ahead groove with ringy snare. Bass drum and open hat variations and simple useful fills.


Tempo: 87


21: RSVS 83 70SPOPROCK 01


Laid back tom intro building to Neil Young style drum groove with sections on hat and ride. Selection of fills.


Tempo: 83


22: RSVS 80 70SPOPROCK 22


Slow to mid tempo gritty bluesy shuffle with snare drum detail and sections played on hat and ride. A variety of subtle builds and useful fills. Wide open feel and dirty sounding.


Tempo: 80


23: RSVS 80 70SBLUES 21

Slow to mid tempo 12/8 feel with snare drum detail and sections played on hat and ride. A variety of subtle builds and useful fills. Great for old style 60s or 70s songwriting.

Tempo: 80


24: RSVS 80 70SPOPROCK 11

Broken down intro section building into useful straight groove. Sections on the hats, toms and ride to provide lots of useful variations.

Tempo: 80


25: RSVS 75 POP 13 

Slow to mid tempo atmospheric groove with cool syncopated bass drum figure. Starts on hi-hat with some neat snare ghosts and cool fills before moving to the ride.

Tempo: 75




26: RSVS 72 70SBLUES 20

Tom fill into slow shuffle groove with sections on hat and ride and various builds and fills.

Tempo: 72


27: RSVS 72 70SBLUES 19

Slow Blues ballad 12/8 feel in the old school Etta James vein. Sections on hat and ride, snare and rim. A selection of buzz rolls, open hats and subtle fills and builds mark the changes between sections.

Tempo: 72


28: RSVS 72 70SBLUES 18

Cool fill into a half time shuffle in the Bernard Purdie / Steely Dan mode. Sections on hat and ride and snare skips and fills between them.

Tempo: 72



29: RSVS 70 70SPOPROCK 04

Slow and stately Neil Young style groove from Harvest era. Laid back and underplayed style with sections on hat and ride and with various fills to build up and down as required. 

Tempo: 70


30: RSVS 64 70SBLUES 17

Cool Steely dan / Bernard Purdie type half time shuffle groove with fills punctuating ride and hat sections. Lots of snare ghosts and kick variations. 

Tempo: 64


31: RSVS 62 70SPOPROCK 05

Slow straight stately groove with fat 70s sounding snare and laid back kick. Tinge of West Coast country rock... think The Eagles. Punctuated with some useful fills and snare skips and buzz rolls as the groove moves between hats and ride.



Tempo: 62



32: RSVS 54 70SSOUL 24


12/8 slow blues ballad feel in the Etta James mode. Understated and subtle variations, with sections on snare and rim, hat and ride. Some snare buzz rolls and build sections.



Tempo: 110