Product Description
Drumdrops has sampled up a classic sounding 60s drum kit, a 1963 Premier Outfits 54 which belongs to Producer Ben Hillier (Blur, Depeche Mode). The sample packs are a must have, for anyone wanting the sound of a classic sounding British 1960s kit. It has been recorded in great detail providing up to 16 velocity levels and the Kontakt 5 pack comes with multiple round robins. It resides in The Pool, a tracking studio in Miloco's headquarters that has been used by the likes of Paul Epworth, Florence & The Machine, Graham Coxon and Mumford & Sons. The live room is 6 metres high and 100 metres squared. It has an ambient sound, however it is still fairly tight and controlled. The Pool has an incredible selection of vintage mic pre-amps and microphones that were used to record the drums.
The drum kit was recorded using the precise drumming skills of Adam Falkner (One EskimO, Dido) who is no stranger to recording sample packs. The engineer was Miloco and Drumdrops' Ben Thackeray (My Bloody Valentine, Rachel Zeffira) who has become our regular drum expert. Martin Oldham of Drum Tech Support (Phil Collins / Kelis / Pendulum) set the kit up prior to recording.
Product Details
- Variant: Multi Velocity Pack
- Product Type: Drum Samples
- Collection: All
In Depth
Customers can also make their own patches from the two packs of samples included. Included in this pack are the samples from the old Kontakt 5 pack (seperate close, overhead and room mic samples) and the stereo mixed samples found in the Multiple Velocity pack and Single Hits Packs. The 399 stereo samples are mixed from the close, overhead and room mics. We have also included 2529 samples from the old Kontakt 5 pack providing up to 16 velocities of each articulation and 3 round robins. This pack is perfect for those who want to purchase all three packs in one hit or those who like to build their own patches from the samples.
The Multi-Velocity pack provides up to 16 velocity steps of each articulation. The samples are a mix of the close mic, overhead and room mic samples. This pack can be used in any DAW, drum machine or sampler that reads 24 bit WAVs, and we've included patches to the some of the most common software. We have also included MIDI Maps for a lot of the popular software. This pack is a great choice for those who want the multiple velocity articulations. The multi-velocity pack also includes over 500 MIDI drum loops covering a variety of genres. Finally, we have also included two mixes of the samples. The original clean samples and the alternative Valve and Tape mix which pushes the mix through some interesting valve gear before mastering on to tape.
The Single Hits pack is similar to the multi-velocity pack but provides three velocities of each articulation. This pack also includes patches for Battery 3, Kontakt 5, EXS24, Maschine, Geist, Studio One's Impact, Ableton Drum Rack, Reason Refills, Renoise and idrum but if you run any drum machines such as Akai MPC60s this pack may be ideal as it includes 16-bit and 24-bit WAV samples. This also includes two mixes of the samples. The original clean samples and the alternative Valve and Tape mix which pushes the mix through some interesting valve gear before mastering on to tape.
The Drum Replacement pack is our sample replacement pack. This pack comes with three different patches - Slate Trigger V2, Drumagog V5 & V4 and DrumXchanger. Each patch uses different amounts of samples depending on the capability of the software. If you run any of these pieces of software then this pack is for you.
The One Shot Sample pack is our cheapest pack and a great pack for those who either just need one sample from each articulation (drum machine users) and no patches or for customers who want to check out the sound of this kit before purchasing any of the more expensive packs. Ask us nicely and we will knock the price of this pack off other packs for this kit if you upgrade.
Whichever pack you choose you can be reassured that is has the Drumdrops quality stamped all over it. Explore more of these pages and listen to our sample grooves to hear the different kits in action and work out which pack is best for you. If you want 60s drum sounds you have to start with a 60s kit.